Refrigeration Compressed Air Dryers
Refrigeration Compressed Air Dryers
Flow From (9.17 m3/min – 27.5 m3/min)
The compressed air is being fed into the dryer and being pre-cooled in the air-to-air heat exchanger by the outgoing cold compressed air. The pre-cooled air then passes through the refrigerant-to-air
heat exchanger where it is being cooled further down to the calculated temperature so as to attain the RH needed.
The cooling air reduces the ability of the air to hold moisture.
Any moisture above 100% relative humidity condensates. Condensate is what a dryer removes from air by means of a eparator through a drain. After the condensate has been removed the air has no physical water droplets, but is at a relative humidity of 100%. The moisture in the compressed air condenses out and collects at gets discharged through the drain. Finally, the cold discharged air is being reheated by the incoming compressed air. This saves energy and prevents any moisture forming beyond the dryer in the compressed air system. The cooling capacity of the refrigeration cycle is being controlled by a microprocessor based controller to realize energy savings of up to 90 % and to assure the full dryer functionabilty for partial loads, too.
The extra sensors in the dryer enabling it to work to a set RH means the air need not be cooled as much as historically and this can save up to 95% of the energy in summer.